European Financial Management Association
2012 Annual Meetings
June 27- 30, 2012
Barcelona, Spain

STOXX 2006

Announcing the Winner of the STOXX 2006 Best Paper Research Awards

The STOXX Awards for Scholarship in Risk Management Research recognizes the researchers who, through their research presented at the annual 2006 EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Meetings, contributed to our understanding of financial risk management.

The winners of the STOXX Awards were selected by a committee consisting of:

  • Viaral Acharya, London Business School

  • Yacov Amihud, Stern School of Business, New York University

  • Gunter Franke, University of Konstanz

  • The winners of the 2006 STOXX Awards are:

    1. GOLD 2006 STOXX AWARD:

  • Peter Christofferson, McGill University and CIRANO

  • Kris Jacobs, McGill University and CIRANO

  • Yintian Wang, McGill University

  • Title: Option Valuation with Long-run and Short-run Volatility Components


  • Santiago Forte, ESADE-University Ramon Llull

  • J. Ignacio Pena, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • Title: Credit Spreads: Theory and Evidence about the Information Content of Stocks, Bonds and CDs

    Please join us in congratulating the winners of the 2006 STOXX RISK MANAGEMENT AWARDS for their outstanding research accomplishments.

    EFMA and STOXX Ltd.